Thursday, July 23, 2009

Teens Don't Twitter, Do They?

Twitter is all the rage now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be the CB radio of the Internet era. CB radio was all the rage in the early 70s and for a year or two, it seemed like it would be with us forever. Besides truckers, how many people do you know who use CB radio now?

Here's an early warning sign that the Twitter rage may be short-lived: a 15-year old Morgan Stanley summer intern wrote an eye-opening research report for the firm about what he and his peers are looking for in information-entertainment.

"Teenagers don't Twitter," said the intern, Matthew Robson.

Other insights from a young man who already probably has a job for life:

  • Teens don't listen the radio

  • Teens do listen to music online but are "very reluctant" to pay for it

  • Newspapers and other print media are "irrelevant"

  • Teens go to movies not for the content but for the companionship of friends

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